The core values of Payne Theological Seminary are:

  • Excellence
  • Tolerence
  • Servant Leadership
  • Spiritual Formation, Growth and Transformation

These values are demonstrated by a passion for high standards, which include: respect, honesty, justice, integrity and accountability. Tolerance is demonstrated through an unreserved acceptance of the concepts of love, justice, forgiveness and a capacity for openness to difference. Further, Payne believes in a servant leadership that is lived out through being a responsible steward who serves with care, humility and strength of boldness as he/she articulates his/her vision and inspires others.

It is recognized that disagreements and misunderstandings will occur within the human community. Therefore, the complaint resolution process is guided by the above values and behaviors and a desire for conflict resolution within a spirit and atmosphere of love and tolerance.

If an issue cannot be resolved by the Seminary’s internal processes, a complaint involving allegations of fraudulent activity, including the provision of false or misleading information, may be brought to Payne’s accrediting agency, The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) or the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE). You may also contact ODHE at or call 614.466.6000.

For academic matters, students should follow the process outlined in the catalog. 

All discrimination, equity issues, equal opportunity obligations and ADA/504 issues should be sent to the Equal Opportunity Committee.